Last Friday I had an unwanted new experience - I was in a car accident. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured. When I was turning into my driveway, a woman tried to pass me because she didn't see my turn signal so I smashed into her when she passed me on the right. She was going so fast that she smashed into a parked car and moved it from one side of the driveway to the other. I have never been in a fender bender before; I hit a deer in high school but that was different (and a LONG time ago). Jeremy called the police, and we have gotten the report filed (the cop indicated she was at fault) so now we sort out how things work with insurance; we have already gotten a replacement rental car. My right hand is sprained, so I'm babying it a bit despite it being my dominant hand. I'm grateful that I don't have any more serious problems. This is a good reminder of the danger of cars, and the importance of paying close attention to the road around us!