(Post authored by Jeremy)
A few more thoughts on what's different here in Australia...A little over a week ago, we drove up to Wilpena Pound, an ancient rock formation that's actually larger than the famed Uluru. Lacking camping supplies, we opted for the 'glamping' accommodations in the National Park, and had a fabulous time hiking and learning about the local geology and ecology. But this post isn't about that. On the drive up to the park, we passed what appeared to be a giant light bulb in the sky, which turned out to be a state-of-the-art hydroponic solar farm for tomatoes. https://gca.org/the-australian-farm-producing-tomatoes-with-seawater-and-sunlight-but-no-soil/?fbclid=IwAR0t11x4pvW34FMcL1ukISze2fhTmzWAKJcX1vKO_gEJAzMOFRcWwOALceA
The facility captures sunlight using 24,000 mirrors that reflect the sun's light toward the tower's tip 127 meters above the ground. The energy powers 20 ha of greenhouses and a desalination plant (used to irrigate the crops), and produces an astonishing 350 tons of tomatoes each week in what is essentially a desert (see link).What's different about this approach? Actually, it's not the approach that differs so much (indeed, some of the technology used comes from the US) as the way I've heard it talked about here. In stark contrast to the US, people here seem genuinely excited about technological innovation, especially innovations in energy and agriculture (this farm combines both). Yes, politicians fall into different camps on these issues, but I've seen no evidence of the crippling, pathological pessimism toward all things new that emanates from our Republican party, nor the overwhelming apathy from those caught in between the partisan squabbling. In a word, people here appear hopeful about the future, which has been a wonderful contrast to back home. Which leads me to a request... Australia, If you could figure out how to export some of your hopefulness to the US, we could really use it right now? P.S. You're also welcome to reclaim Rupert Murdoch any time... (No seriously, please?!)