27 Jul

Sharing a post I made to my running buddies back in Columbus.  I took my phone on my run this morning (6:30 am start, after I had 2 hours of work calls!) and shared some of the images from my new running route:

From a private running group on Facebook:  Good morning from Adelaide, Australia! I wanted to share a glimpse of my version of the OT (Olentangy Trail). This path, 0.5 mi from our place, runs along a human-made waterway, and is an offshoot of the 50k River Torrens trail that runs from the downtown to the ocean. As you can see it’s well marked for bikes and pedestrians. The field photo features the goal posts for Australian Rules Football (AFL or “footy”) that is crazy popular here. (I have no clue about the game except that the men’s uniforms are strangely unflattering and the mascots are awesome- Crows, Cats, Swans, etc.) 

This  video features the unfamiliar morning sounds of the local birds making a lot of noise in the early morning hours. You can also see signage warning about magpies.  These are huge black & white birds that thrive around here, and get quite territorial during spring mating season. Although I've been restricted (in lockdown) to an area within 2.5k (1.5 miles) of our place, it's been super helpful to have these trails to safely and easily run in our area!

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