07 Jul

Pictured above is a dessert from yesterday called a lamington.  This is a dessert VERY similar to one my grandma Edie used to make that our family referred to as "coconut bars."  My grandparents owned a bakery in East Cleveland, and even after they retired they continued the practice at home, just at a smaller scale.  So a a kid I enjoyed a lot of their baked goods, and learned how to make a number of my favorites.  My sister Lauren's coconut bars are simply the best, so eating these during my lunch was a lovely little reminder of family and home.

Because of the 14 hour time difference between Sydney and Ohio, first thing in the morning is the best time of the day for meetings or socializing.  Because we aren't totally adjusted to normal schedules because of jetlag, Jeremy and I typically start our meetings around 5 am (3 pm Eastern the day before; yes, we are from the future).  It isn't strange for us to have multiple meetings booked from 5-7 am during the week, then we reply to emails that will likely be read sometime the next business day.  For socializing, we have found that WhatsApp has been great for phone and video calls, and we've got a family chat going to share tidbits of our daily lives.  It's been a great way to stay connected. But the time difference does add an element of delay/distance in communication due to this lag time.

We are still working to finalize our flights into Adelaide.  We've had a bit of back and forth with the travel agent but we hope to nail down a morning flight direct to Adelaide on Sunday morning.  We have confirmed that we can leave the hotel as early as 4 am on Sunday, so we should have plenty of time to arrange our hotel quarantine "checkout" process.  

In the meantime, the world keeps spinning!  Jeremy and I have both been working with Zoom meetings from quarantine, but at least view from my office is pretty nice!

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