8 more days. We aren't even halfway done! We are doing fine, honestly. We got lattes delivered to our door this morning, quite the luxury. We get a daily health check phone call from a nurse with a delightful Irish accent. Our only health issue has been a minor facial scrape (Miles) while horsing around trying to play keep away with a balloon. *sigh* Jeremy has a bigger struggle with being stuck indoors, as he usually walks for 30-60 minutes daily, so this tiny indoor space is rather stifling. He's been doing some indoor pacing, but it doesn't really reduce the stir-craziness as much as he would like!
I'm having some work issues with my eye tracker so that has been a source of frustration for me especially with the time difference between myself and those who can assist me. I'm hopeful that we can sort things out but it has required a lot of tech support, from San Francisco, Boston, Columbus (OSU IT), and now Copenhagen and Stockholm.
We are thinking of our friends and family getting ready for Independence Day which makes me just a bit homesick. We always go to Michigan in July for a few weeks with both of our families. We do Christmas in July, enjoy all the wonders of the Michigan summer, and celebrate our wedding anniversary. This year is decidedly different, especially being locked indoors, no fireworks, no fishing or waterplay, no SUP or kayaking, no wonderful meals and laughs with family. But, we are confident all of this effort will be worthwhile when we burst free from HQ and get to go out and explore. In the meantime, stay safe my friends, and please enjoy the holiday weekend! We look forward to living vicariously through your photos on social media!