10 Jul

At 2:45 pm, the medial staff double checked our temperatures and symptoms, then they gave us our certificate of quarantine completion and confirmation of our COVID-19 negative tests this afternoon!  We then get the wristbands (pictured above) as our ticket out of here in 15 hours!  I took photos of our documents for each one of us, then uploaded them along with our Visas to the cross-border travel form.  

We received confirmation that our travel materials were submitted (below).  Once we deplane, the SA police will review all documents and make the final decision whether we are approved to enter the community and if we are safe to be treated as if we just finished quarantine in SA. As you can imagine, we're nervous. I will heave a massive sign of relief once we get through the final steps tomorrow!  

In the meantime, we have 90% of our stuff packed back into our 14 suitcases/bags, and will be headed out tomorrow (Sunday) for our 6:45 am pick-up with Maxi Van to haul our crew to the Sydney airport.  We will update as soon as we have an outcome by 11 pm or later Saturday evening (Eastern time).  Wish us luck!

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