28 Jun

Jet lag is for real!  We all fell asleep last night around 6 pm local time, essentially missing dinner.  [The procedure is that the hotel delivers a bag of food to the door, knocks, and we wait 30 seconds until we open (masked) and retrieve the bag.  This will be our routine for all meals every day!]

Here's the good news - our food has been pretty decent, with fresh fruit and other healthy and tasty options.  Unfortunately, Miles has nearly gone on a hunger strike.  This was a big worry for us during quarantine since he's very fearful of new foods; we have a grocery order in the queue for delivery on Thursday, so hopefully he can survive on snacks and carbs until then (see the photo of our snack drawer!)

For physical activity, we ordered a stationary bike for the hotel room that all of us can use!  My travel yoga mat has been put to good use; hopefully we can keep up the physical activity daily as a boredom reliever if nothing else!

The kids are currently beating on each other with balloons in their adjoining room. We brought non-screen entertainment, but they definitely gravitate toward all the screens.  *sigh* The struggle is real on keeping them from beating the crap out of each other one minute, then turning into a screen zombie for the next (many, many) few minutes.  We have been attempting to implement some structural activities daily, including a new Australian slang term daily.  Yesterday we learned brolly (umbrella), dag (nerd/geek), shark biscuit (a kid at the beach), and the phrase "Good on ya" (good work).

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