21 Jul

July 20th was our 19th wedding anniversary.  We aren't big celebrators of anniversaries and birthdays, so we didn't have any major plans for the day.  But at 11 am, the Premier of SA had some major plans for the state - LOCKDOWN!  As a surprise to us and seemingly everyone in SA, a lockdown was announced beginning at 6 pm.  Essential travel only, no travel beyond 2.5 km (1.5 miles diameter) of home, 90 minute limit on physical activity outside.  *sigh* 

On Monday we managed to get an appointment at the kids new school, Plympton International College, the only bilingual (Chinese/English) school in SA. The boys will be entering grades 7 and 3 halfway through the academic year.  We met with the principal for primary and secondary, and they were both lovely.  When they start school, Baxter will be assigned two buddies for his first day to take him around and answer questions, show him where to find classes, etc.  We even met his teacher, Ms. Knights, who is new this year but seems to have great energy.  Baxter seems to be very relieved to be enrolled and have some kids to show him the ropes when he starts.  Miles didn't get a chance to meet his teacher, but we did learn that he will have half of his course work in Mandarin!  The leadership team emphasized that they have support staff (like teaching assistants) who will help those students who are just now learning Mandarin.  Miles *seems* excited to learn, so we hope that will continue once he is in the classroom.  We also stopped in the uniform shop and got to try on things to make sure the sizes were right for each of them.  Miles, who was the MOST WORRIED about the uniform, got so excited by his uniform that he wanted to buy the half-zip because it was "cool" and "so soft."  If it keeps him warm and complies with the dress code, great!  

It will take a few days for the Department of Education to process the enrollment paperwork, then the kids will get their ID numbers and school email addresses.  Once that process happens, hopefully in the next few days, we will be able to link the boys into the remote learning (on Microsoft Teams).  Until then, we're setting up home learning schedule to get them into the practice of school again.  Unsurprisingly, the kids naturally resist this schedule which is very aggravating to their parents.  Even if the light at the end of the (quarantine) tunnel has been extended, we are close to getting them set up into a routine of school again.  At long last. But in the meantime we'll make our own schedule during the SA lockdown period.

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