So Australia is relatively new to celebrating Halloween. The stores have some decorations, costumes, and bags of holiday candies displayed, but it definitely isn't a big thing in our area. I've talked with friends who have confirmed that this is treated a bit like an unwelcome American export.
Being a Halloween fan myself, I've been wondering whether people trick or treat - Baxter's friend's say that some kids do, but only the houses with decorations visible; see the previous blog post about tall privacy fences (title differences between USA and AUS) in front of houses which makes decorating your house/yard a different thing than massive front yard displays in the US. I also wondered whether they carve pumpkins because it's the spring (not fall) growing season here so pumpkins aren't in season. But because the shops are getting into the commercial spirit of the holiday, I saw this grocery store promotion for carving a Spooky Pine (pineapple) for Halloween!
Apparently they are trying to turn this into a thing.
I can definitely attest to raw pineapple being 1000% more yummy than raw pumpkin, but I don't anticipate this is going to catch on. They grow pineapples in Queensland, so I think this may be more of a marketing effort than an emerging Halloween tradition.
I did chat with an expatriate friend who married an Aussie who said that her husband wasn't so sure about Halloween, but really enjoyed the social aspect of visiting with neighbors during trick or treating. Maybe this American export will catch on?